Answering questions you may have about PDC 2023
Can students outside of York attend?
Yes, students from other schools can attend PDC!
Will I receive a certificate?
Yes! You will receive a certificate upon completion of the conference!
Will attendance be taken?
Yes, attendance is taken to ensure participants are in the correct session & for accountability towards obtaining certificates.
Why do I have to pay for admission?
All proceeds from participants’ tickets will be donated to our partner school Wikondiek. The fee also ensures participants are held accountable for their position / ticket.
When will registration close?
Registration will open Friday October 20th at 11:59 PM and close Thursday November 15th at 11:59PM.
Is there a lunch period?
Yes! Lunch will be catered and provided from 11:30AM to 12:30PM.
Will sessions be recorded?
Sessions will not be recorded, and participants are not authorized to record any part of the session.
What if I can’t attend all three sessions?
Please email us.
What if I need a refund?
There will be NO REFUNDS issued.
When is PDC?
PDC is on Saturday, November 25th, 2023.
What if I have a different question?