Please join us for a full day workshop experience. As robust as York's teacher education program is, there's always room to learn more about the subjects that interest us.
All of PDC's workshop topics were curated for current students, and teacher candidates.
Through this student-selected professional development, future graduates will have both met the foundational learning expectations of the program and been introduced to more specialized or experimental topics that may not have made their way into one of their courses just yet.
You will be able to network with some amazing speakers as well!
The Leader in You
Shaundell Parris
Discover your potential as a leader as we examine the framework for educational leadership by exploring the journey of an educator.
Be sure to bring a device with you to this interactive session.
The Foundation of
Your Classroom
(Co-presenter: Rema Saati)
Shaundell Parris
This session will highlight the key that can unlock the full potential of your students and keep you grounded as a teacher.
Dealing with Controversial Issues
in the Classroom
Peter Flaherty
This workshop will offer strategies and suggestions from my experience about how to engage students in constructive, respectful, and non-confrontational discussions of these issues in classroom situations.
Designing Our Professional Learning Pathways: Planning Next Steps After Teacher's College
Tigist Amdemichael
How might you tend to your professional learning throughout your educator career? What are the essential questions to drive your continuous learning? What is your plan for the next five years and how might these two years at York prepare you for your next steps?
Together in this discussion-based workshop, we will explore how we can design our professional learning and deliberate actions to pursue pedagogies of possibilities by looking at frameworks that support us. Tigist will share promising practices that have supported her growth and development as an educator.
Melissa Somer
This workshop will deal with contemporary Indigenous leadership and realities in the areas of environmental protection, education, social conditions, treaties, taxation, self-government, and land claims.
We will discuss some Indigenous celebrations and contributions to other communities as well as help you increase your cultural competency skills and awareness of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Peoples in Canada. As educational workers we have a responsibility to honour the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls-To-Action.
This course will provide you with classroom and family connection resources to build capacity in developing an environment that supports Decolonization, Recognition, Respect, Relationships and Reconciliation.
Professional Learning After Graduation:
Looking Ahead to
AQ Courses
Anna Jupp
Join this session to learn about Additional Qualification courses and the role they play in your career as an educator in Ontario.
Find out about the different types of courses, which courses to take, and how York U's courses are designed for maximum return on your investment.
Start your professional learning plan before you graduate.
and Beyond
Annette Livi
This workshop will focus on the “how-to” of interviewing (framing answers, big ideas, and look-fors) and the school board hiring process; as well as navigating the educational system as a new teacher: networking, finding mentors, making connections and avoiding burn-out.
Culturally Relevant & Responsive Pedagogy
in Practice
Charmaine Brown
Culturally Relevant and Responsive teaching is an expectation for today's classrooms and essential to ensure that all learners are acknowledged and honoured.
With a focus on the primary grades, this workshop will bring theory into practice with lesson ideas, resources and examples of student work that show how CRRP can be integrated throughout the curriculum.
Support to Thrive: Mental Health
in Classrooms
Kingsley Hurlington and
Ruth MacSween
Ever wonder why some youth are seemingly crushed by stress in their lives while others seem to thrive?
Resilience is the capacity of individuals to navigate their way to well-being in the face of adversity.
In an interactive workshop, we will explore how the principles of resilience can be applied by teachers with individual students, classroom communities and entire schools in practical and meaningful ways that bolster social, emotional, mental – and ultimately – academic success.
Are you anxious about teaching Math?
(K-9 Focus)
Alice Kong
Many educators still feel anxious or nervous about teaching math.
Let's divide into facing your concerns and bring back the JOY in mathematics for you and your future students.